
Remote Access to Critical GxP Systems by Service Providers

The topic data integrity raises a multitude of questions. Current questions are addressed in a loose sequence of News. Question 8: Must there be regulations for remote access by service providers to GxP-critical systems and what data integrity requirements must they contain?

Deficiencies in Maintenance, OOS and Data Integrity lead to Warning Letter

A pharmaceutical manufacturer in India received a Warning Letter from the US-American FDA in December due to deficiencies in the areas of maintenance/cleanliness, OOS and data integrity. Read more here.

Data Integrity and Validation Issues identified during GMP Inspection

The FDA issued a Warning Letter due to non-compliance with cGMP, including Data Integrity and Validation issues, to a Canadian manufacturer of over-the-counter drug products.

New Warning Letter - Quality Oversight in the Focus

Production and laboratory processes are for sure still a hot topic in inspections. But investigators are also focusing on the role of the Quality Unit and Quality Oversight.

Data Integrity for Analytical Instruments connected to a LIMS via a Middleware

The data integrity topic raises a number of questions. Current questions are addressed in a loose sequence of News. Question 6: How can I handle analysis devices that are connected to a LIMS via a middleware? The manufacturer does not allow access to the original data in the automated analyser though.

Data Integrity Violations detected by the FDA at US Company

Besides several Quality Unit related failures, a Warning Letter of the U.S. FDA mentions an enormous number of Data Integrity violations. Here you can read the remedations expected by the FDA.

Ongoing severe Quality Deficiencies lead to regulatory Action - Part 1

The second Warning Letter within six months reveals fundamental issues in quality management. Learn more about the new FDA warning letter to US company Akorn.

Is the Audit Trail Review required for Electronic Health Records?

MHRA´s GCP inspectors have recently seen various types of Electronic Health Records (eHRs) during their investigator site inspections and in several cases they have given major findings.

Regulations concerning the handling and management of data from "small" computerised systems?

The data integrity topic raises a number of questions. Current questions are addressed in a loose sequence of News. Question 5: Are regulations necessary for the handling and management of data generated by small systems (e.g.  pH meters, filter integrity testers, etc.)?

Deletion of Data: Does it have to be regulated in a SOP?

The data integrity topic raises a number of questions. Current questions are addressed in a loose sequence of News. Question 4: Does the deletion of data have to be regulated in a SOP?
